Customized Needle Felting Pet Portraits
オーダーメイド 犬・猫 羊毛フェルト ポートレート
Tamiko Yamashita
Born in 1929 Lives and works in Minato-ku, Tokyo
Graduated from Musashino Art University, Department of Sculpture
Loves flowers, birds, cats, and above all, people.
She has been teaching painting and modeling classes since she was 20 years old and is still active! (As one might expect, she is now 94 years old, but..
Hiromi Tsutatani
After graduating from art college and building a career as a textile designer, she worked as an interior buyer and creative director for a foreign mail-order company, where she honed her product development skills on the world stage. Moved to Chicago and・・・
Yuri Yamashita Chang
Jewelry Designer Lives and works in San Francisco
Graduated from Musashino Art University, Department of Crafts and Industrial Design.
Lives with her husband Henry, an architect. Her cat NINI passed away in 2020. After graduating from art university, she worked at a jewelry studio in Tokyo, where she learned advanced metal carving ....
ユリ ヤマシタ チャン
山下民子 Tamiko Yamashita
1929年生まれ 造形作家 東京都港区在住
Tamiko Yamashita
Born in 1929 Lives and works in Minato-ku, Tokyo
Graduated from Musashino Art University, Department of Sculpture
Loves flowers, birds, cats, and above all, people.
She has been teaching painting and modeling classes since she was 20 years old and is still active! (As one might expect, she is now 94 years old, but she is still consulting with her health condition.) After the Great East Japan Earthquake, she organized sales of goods and charity bazaars in order to donate as much money as possible, and continued to make donations for 10 years until the children who suffered from the disaster became adults. After much trial and error, at the age of 87, she launched the online shopping site Tammys and started making felt products. When she turns 90 in 2019, her work will be broadcast on TV as a super senior citizen. She wants to live as long as there is a mission to connect with society and make someone happy. Born in Shanghai. As a retiree, she went through a lot of hardships during and after the war, and her works are full of flavor. She is happiest now.
Describe your image
テレビ朝日 東京サイト 「スーパーシニア特集」で山下民子とタミーズの活動・制作風景や健康の秘訣が紹介されました。 2020年9月19日
婦人公論 2024年5月号 人物ルポ 「いくつになっても新しい挑戦を」で山下民子の半生、タミーズ創業のきっかけなど挑戦の日々が紹介されました。
ユリ ヤマシタ チャン
ジュエリーデザイナー サンフランシスコ在住
Yuri Yamashita Chang
Jewelry Designer Lives and works in San Francisco
Graduated from Musashino Art University, Department of Crafts and Industrial Design.
Lives with her husband Henry, an architect. Her cat NINI passed away in 2020. After graduating from art university, she worked at a jewelry studio in Tokyo, where she learned advanced metal carving techniques under a strict master. After moving to the U.S., she continued to work in her home studio. A few years ago, she was introduced to felt by Tamiko, and when she tried her hand at making her favorite cat, she was completely hooked. Her sense of three-dimensional sculpture from metal carving was put to good use here as well. When she walked around the streets of SF with her own cat bag, she received rave reviews from Americans.
When NINI was still healthy, I made a cute sleeping figure of her. She was healed by the feeling that NINI, who was supposed to be gone, was sleeping right beside her, and learned firsthand that wool felted pets can be a great help in recovering from pet loss. She hopes to teach people how to spend a few days together making things while their pets are still alive and well, so that they don't have to grieve.
ツタタニ ヒロミ
former MoMA Japan Branding & Creative Director /フェルト作家
卒業後、テキスタイルデザイナーとしてキャリアを積んだ後、外資系通信販売でインテリアバイヤー・クリエイティブディレクターとして世界を舞台に商品開発力を磨く。シカゴに移住、アメリカの大手通販会社Speagel 社(当時)でTrendforcasting Division Manager としてトレンド分析・マーケティングに携わる。 帰国後、大手家電メーカーの新規事業立ち上げプロジェクトにコンサルタントとして参画。2003年、ニューヨーク近代美術館MoMAに単独で掛け合い、プロジェクトを動かしMoMA Online Store の日本誘致にこぎつける。その後18年間、MoMA Japanのチーフバイヤー・クリエイティブディレクターを歴任し、日本におけるMoMAブランドビジネスの礎を築く。プライベートでは2016年よりファミリービジネス、タミーズの運営開始。オーダーメイドのペットポートレート制作、ウールフェルト輸入等、現在はフェルト作家として活動。
幅広く色々な素材でモノづくりしてきたが、アメリカに住んで和紙に目覚め1999年和紙のモダニズム展開催。光栄にも幼馴染で後に誰もが知る著名な作詞家 秋元康氏より作品に対し「・・”実物大の幸せ”がそこにあります・・」と温かいメッセージをいただく。その後上述のMoMAの仕事の傍ら母親・姉の影響でフェルトの魅力に目覚める。これまでの商品開発の経験をフェルトに託し私らしい等身大の作家活動をしていきたい。
Hiromi Tsutatani
After graduating from art college and building a career as a textile designer, she worked as an interior buyer and creative director for a foreign mail-order company, where she honed her product development skills on the world stage. Moved to Chicago and worked as Trendforcasting Division Manager at Spiegel, a major mail-order company in the U.S. (at the time), where she was involved in trend analysis and marketing. After returning to Japan, he participated as a consultant in a new business launch project for a major consumer electronics manufacturer, and in 2003, he approached MoMA, the Museum of Modern Art (MoMA) in New York City, on his own and managed the project to bring the MoMA Online Store to Japan. For the next 18 years, she served as the chief buyer and creative director of MoMA Japan, laying the foundation of the MoMA brand business in Japan.
In her private life, she started operating a family business, Tamys, in 2016. Currently working as a felt artist, making custom-made pet portraits, importing wool felt, and more.
Extra Tips
She has loved making things since she was a child.
In high school and junior college of art, she taught painting to children as an assistant at her mother's art school.
She has been making things from a wide variety of materials, but it was when she lived in the U.S. that she became interested in washi paper, and in 1999 she held a solo exhibition of her works. She was honored to receive a warm message from his childhood friend and later well-known lyricist, Yasushi Akimoto, who said, "...there is 'real-size happiness' in your work.... Later, while working at MoMA, she was fascinated by felt under the influence of her mother and older sister. I would like to put my experience in product development into felt and do my own unique life-size artist activities.